Tuesday, July 8, 2014

A Real Dividend Growth Machine: Q2 2014 Review

A new article of mine has been published on the investing website Seeking Alpha. The article is entitled A Real Dividend Growth Machine: Q2 2014 Review and it provides a review of my dividend growth investing progress in the second quarter of 2014.

As indicated by my review, I continue to build and maintain my portfolio, but I do not have time for regular blogging anymore. However, I am still around and I try to stay updated on what is happening with my fellow dividend growth investors.


  1. Thanks for sharing your portfolio and how it's doing.

  2. I have nominated your blog for a Liebster Award! Please visit my site here http://dividendmongrel.blogspot.com/2014/08/i-got-nominated-be-very-affraid.html to get more information. Thanks and keep up the great work!

  3. I really hope you can find some time to blog again... we appreciate your insights. BTW I've added your blog to my newly expanded blogroll at http://divgro.blogspot.com/p/blogroll.html


  4. Hey, I had a great time reading your website. Can I contact you through email?. Please email me back.


    angelabrooks741 gmail.com

  5. I completely understand about not having the time to blog. In the long run, the more important thing is that you have the time to invest.

  6. otr214427
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    Diet food
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    Thus think over this concept and go ahead.

  7. Hi DGM, Eagerly awaiting your Q3 update, always a pleasure to read those. I do follow the stock alerts you post in seeking alpha, however it would be nice to see the detailed analysis and tracking towards the goals. Thanks in advance

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  12. Hi,

    Henry from Finimize here - we are interested in partnering with you. My colleague Nik recommended your blog earlier today, and after having a closer look I believe your work very much aligns with what we do.

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